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Do you accept my insurance?Our office is an in-network provider for Medicare and TriWest/VA health insurance. If you are in a car accident and have Medical Payments as part of your auto insurance, our office can bill your auto insurance for care related to your collision with no increase to your insurance premiums. For all other health insurances, Blue Ridge Chiropractic is considered to be an out of network provider. If you have another insurance such as Aetna/Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Cigna/United/etc., we would advise that you call your insurance provider to see what your out of network coverage is for chiropractic care. Our office can also look up your out of network benefits, however we have found that patients tend to receive more accurate information from their insurance providers then we receive when contacting the same companies.
What if I don't have insurance?That's no problem. We have affordable treatment options for anyone who does not have chiropractic coverage. We’ll be happy to discuss those options with you!
How long does an appointment usually take?Appointments can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes, depending on your specific needs.
What is an ActivatorAn Activator is a handheld instrument that is a gentle, low force approach to chiropractic care. The activator provides a controlled, fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient. If you want to see an activator adjustment in our office, see our YouTube video! here. You can also learn more about the Activator Method at
Do you also do "hands on" adjustments?Absolutely! We believe that some patients benefit most from Activator Chiropractic while others will benefit most from “Hands On” or “Manual” Adjustments. We can determine what would give you the most benefit, take into consideration your personal preferences, and use a combination of therapy methods to meet your body’s needs.
Can I get adjusted if I'm pregnant?Yes! Getting chiropractic adjustments during your pregnancy is safe and provides great benefits to moms to be. Our pregnant patients get benefits including: pain relief, more comfortable pregnancies and some have even reported quicker labor times compared to their previous pregnancies where they were not under chiropractic care.
Can I get adjusted outside of scheduled hours?Yes. However, this is done only in special circumstances and is considered an emergency adjustment. The fee for an emergency adjustment is $185. For our patients who have care packages at Blue Ridge Chiropractic, 4 visits will be taken off of your existing care package. If you feel that this is not a traditional medical emergency, and you need an adjustment outside of our posted hours, please call (707) 689-4752.
Do you adjust kids?Absolutely. Chiropractic adjustments can be very beneficial for kids. We take special care to adjust children gently. Our youngest patient at Blue Ridge Chiropractic was 2 weeks old during his first adjustment.
How do I know if chiropractic is right for me?That’s what we’re here for! We pride ourselves on never treating a patient if we don’t think chiropractic care is the answer. While we believe it’s a great option most of the time, we’re also happy to give you other options and referrals if we determine that’s a better option. We invite you to schedule your first appointment so we can learn more about your needs.
Can you help people with headaches & migraines?Yes! Chiropractic care can help with migraines as well as many other symptoms such as minor aches and pains, dizziness, numbness and tingling, stomach problems, digestive problems, back pain, neck pain and many more. Adjusting the spine sends impulses through the spinal cord to the brain. This movement of impulses can help correct these problems.
What are all those initials after Dr. Zack's name?D.C.- Doctor of Chiropractic AMCT- Activator Method Chiropractic Technique CCSP- Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
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